Sunday, May 22, 2011

kenapa susah nak ucap TERIMA KASIH

ni antara issue yang aku pendam dah lama sngat,and i frequently talk alone bout this issue,apa lah susah sangat nak say TERIMA KASIH or just a simple word as TQ,kan senang je kan?

ni ada la member kalau nak minta tolong muke maneeeeh,tapi lepas kite tolong nak ucap makasih pun berat,x minta,tapi nak jugak dihargai kan?

kite ni manusia ada perasaan so xyah la heartless sngat,xpayah nak jadi ego sangat la,x macho pun,kau xkemana la kau tu kalau xda member kan?so xkan nk bergaduh pasal benda2 kecik.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

aku hidup kau mati

i just want to say,i always b fake in my previous blog,try very hard to look like a cheap helpless dude,trying to get a fake publicity by my reader,daim im not like that in the reality,n guess what?what do u expect from me?this is da new it will full of!
  1. curse,i curse a lot in da reality
  2. i'm a super drama-tic dude,so u will read lotttts of emotional pose,but that effin thing make me diff from regular dude yo!
  3. i will give my own bitchy opinion in some issue that cranked my patient
  4. i use a suka-hati-mak-bapak-aku rojak language, cuz this is my blog i can freely wrote anything that i want kan?
  5. and last but not least i use a setaraf-budak-sekolah-rendah english because i'm so bad in writing,and it #truefact not #truefat,it difff ya pakcik makcik.